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True alpha chad is right sigma males watch no porn and you should stop as many women are forced into a long dark journey as they are forced and drugged in this line of work. Many places  such that of massage parlors that have a "happy ending" those girls are forced to do so with threats as heavy as them and their family being killed. Others in the porn industry will get addicted to drugs by other men and to receive those drugs they must do more porn. the one exception which is only sometimes is onlyfans where many will do it with their boyfriends willfully. But even  so this form of media often warps expectations that are just not true and will cause unhealthy sexual relationships with ones significant other. I will say that porn media is a road to a path of ruin that is a hard one to escape and i reccomend if you or someone you know has problems with porn to find help immediately. therapist wont think your weird or gross they will understand how drawing it is and they will help you escape only if you want to though.