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I don't mean to be mean, I'm just trying to let you know that it is easy to see. The character sprite you are using does not belong to you. It was created by Shaun Spalding.

Here is a link to a YouTube video in which he shows it(in which I'm sure you know of).

I mean no real harm. I am just warning you that you should make your own game art, even if the game is not for a profit. You may get "Commercial-free" sprites from random people, but it is always better to do your own work for more originality.

I know, and i am using his sprite, because this game have only one purpose, and that is practice. I am just practicing GML and therefore, the sprites i use become irrelevant. I have no intention of making money off this game, i just want to get better. When i make a game, i plan on selling, i will of course make my own sprites.

That's good. Once again, I was not trying to be mean in anyway, I was just letting you know to prevent you from getting in to any trouble in the future. 

Also, good luck with your game development, I know it can be tough, but remember, a game can be whatever you want it to be, because it's a game.