Howdy, not sure whether these have been mentioned but they're still around in the latest version (, playing as Enchantress if that helps) so I can only assume.
To start, Urka's bondage stance is very, very bugged. She'll do nothing but spam tighten forever even if it gets her stamina to go well into the negatives, effectively throwing the fight. She'll do the same in story mode but there she won't lose any stamina. Edit: Hiro doesn't lose any stamina either while using "Struggle" despite the description saying he's supposed to lose around 5 stamina per use, END dependent.
This next one isn't so much a bug as a nitpick but it'd be nice for there to be lighting or a filter over the town screens like there is with the old one to tell at a glance what time it is, right now I have to go into a different screen like a shop or the Inn to see the time of day. If that's not feasible then just letting us see the Day counter & time of day icon in the corner on the regular town screen would be peachy as well.
Love the game, keep it up.