(lmfao sorry for the late responses, i'm charting a song myself)
GF: alright bf, here we go!
*bf hands a microphone to Reese*
BF: Beep!
(we do the thing)
Reese: That Was Pretty Fun!
BF: ska doo be ba boop?
GF: sorry if you can't understand his beeps- he gets nervous around new people he doesn't know. he asked if you wanted to go another round.
Reese: Oh. Its Ok I Dont Mind, And Sure!
(another song lol)
Reese: I Really Dont Know How Far I Could Go! Although Im Not Supposed to be here.
Bruh Thought that you quitted.
1 of all magical second of all Thought you quitted?
Reese: wait who is that?
someone else someones out of somewhere
"my bad bro"
"heres a new taco, sorry for exploding your other one"
*hands over taco*