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This game is very well done. You were able to combine a lot of elements in a short time. My only complaint is that the dive/jump mechanic is a bit confusing. I would have liked to have an extra button that allows me to start with the jump instead of having to dive down before I'm able to jump.

But, I certainly can't complain about the rest of the game. Getting sound, menus, death sequences and restart sequences set up can be a nightmare, and you did all of those flawlessly! I love how the shark laughs at the player on death.

Thanks a lot! The idea was for the dive/jump to make the game a bit more challenging because you need to think ahead. But it really can get annoying when you are unable to dodge the next obstacle because the game forces you to dive first.

We are still working on improving the game a little more, so maybe we'll add a jump if it doesn't break the game by allowing the player too much freedom.