The Daaaaaannny Deeeefault on startup is cool, also I like that you used your (I presume it's yours) voice for the sound effects. I was considering doing that too. I found SFX quite difficult to get right, there's something kinda charming about voiced SFX. The controls are pretty solid, it feels somehow weird that W walks towards the aiming point, I mean, it makes sense but something felt kinda weird about it, not sure what exactly, maybe my brain is just too used to WASD walking always Up/Down/Left/Right relative to the world. There isn't any explaination on the game page but I'm guessing enemies / a goal weren't added due to time constraint, there's a health bar so I presume something will try and reduce my health. Is the goal just to knock over the coloured structures? I wasn't too sure. Still it was kinda fun to muck around, felt like a character controller playground.