Nice narration, it's always nice and I think especially since you used photos and videos, having a live voice helped keep it somewhat based in reality. Narrating it all would've been a lot of work but it was nice to at least have the start and important moments narrated. Cudos for going outside too :P that's something I could've done more of during the jam haha. I pretty cute little story, kinda reminded me of a modern day fairy tale, something goes wrong, person goes on adventure, eventually it works out, or it doesn't... I like that there were different endings and paths, so choices actually had some meaning. I especially liked the walking videos between locations. A lot of games leave that kind of thing out and just teleport you to the next location, so I found those to be really nice. Oh, and damn, I feel like I haven't seen a Four Square in ages! Bit of a blast from the past :D. Cool work!