What a delightful game!!! I had a feeling I was gonna like it but I couldn't have anticipated that it would take over my entire life for a brief moment. Everything in this game just oozes creativity and personality, it's filled with wonderful little characters and amazing story moments. It's the only game I can think of that made me both laugh and yelp in fear, a mixture that deserves huge praise. I simply love everything about this title: the story, the level design, the challenge, the MUSIC (I had to go back and buy soundtrack, something I rarely do but I simply had to do it, every single track in game was a jam and a banger)... I cannot recommend it enough. Play it if you want to play something unique and amazing, it's a TREAT and a TRESURE in my opinion.
Also, if by any chance you read this: I streamed this game to my friends and we were all obsessed with the jingle the guns made ... literally obsessed. I bought the soundtrack on steam already but I GOTTA ASK , do u still have that gun sound somewhere??? WE NEED IT