Well Hyao did mention that all sexy eventful scenes will get CG art when the MC is not involved, it will be difficult to implement your character in it because everyone is imagening the MC differently...
Also the art is not done by Hyao but by multiple others, and most character designs are done by ZoroJ. Hyao will prolly add them in as soon Zoroj has time for it. Same rule goes for the artists who creates the icons, backgrounds and the soundtrack.
I do agree with your statements about a list for what you need to do to unlock hearts in your relationship list, it fills the empty space. A Pokedex-like system doesn't sound like a bad idea though actually.
What I also would like for Hyao to add is (but probably will happen in the future I guess) to add more scene locations in towns/camps/cities. Like for example see Bernard's shop from the outside and inside. Another thing I would like is ambience sound which we can turn on or off, the forest had it but it's replaced by music.
And don't worry your English is fine :)