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The game boils down to a very repetitive numbers game that doesn't feel rewarding due to the lack of user feedback. The rules were fairly intuitive but it didn't seem like there was a lot of depth to the core gameplay loop.

In terms of UX the game had some key aspects missing, namely easy distinguishability between packets of clips and having any audio at all.

Overall, the game just doesn't feel deep or rewarding enough but the gameplay loop works and the minimalist pixel art is nice to look at!

(Written by Snek of SFG)

(2 edits)

Yes Snek. This game is what that felt like. I wouldn't be surprised if I'm dead last on one of the votes. I think it because I don't really serious in this smaller game jam. I'm sorry for the game, maybe I work on this again after voting.

Ah, don't be sorry! You were confident enough to submit the project, which is an important first step! Not everything has to be super serious all the time, I mean personally I have also uploaded unfinished projects just because I felt like that was enough

I just like to give out criticism because in my experience, that's helpful to grow as a dev :)