Wow! It's like very simple but I LOVE the story, like your character wants to help out the bugs, (if that is accurate) that's really cute! The color palette in the menu is also really simple but there is just something with that dark blue color behind the greens and the yellow character, really soothing! And the music is mysterious which is nice but I think the some sound effects during gameplay are perhaps too loud. The cutscenes were very nice. And the THUNDER, OMG it literally scared me every single time hahaha, I think that was very accurate, it should be scary. One little thing though, during gameplay, at first I thought the bugs will get lost if you're moving too fast and therefore it was much easier for the red bugs to eat our bugs, thus making the game harder, but if you just start zooming through the level your bugs are left behind and I am not really sure what happens but the red bugs don't eat them at all off screen, so it was kind of easy even on the hard difficulty. Maybe your bugs have to be near you, otherwise the counter will just decrease.
Overall nice game! :D