Incredible, the best I've played so far. I liked that you can't really fail. There were a few places that I got stuck because I killed the little grub in a place where I couldn't get to his body or the "bird" but I only had to restart the level not the whole game so I was able to make it all the way to the end. The boss fight was challenging and fun but again I appreciated that even though it got really tough at times, I couldn't lose.
Loved the bit of humour about bugs and rushing, that's really knowing your audience.
My only real criticisms were it was a little too long for a game jam, if there had been 1 more level I would have quit before I got to the boss fight but I was having the most fun of any of the games I've tried so far, I could totally see this developing into a full game. And the font choice made it hard to tell what character to press to restart the level, I thought it was an A but obviously that's a movement key so I just pressed all the buttons on my keyboard til something happened!