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Great use of the teleportation tutorial!

(1 edit)

Thank you! :)

I understand if you don't have the time, but if you're able, could you please explain some of the scores? I would love to know where/how I can improve! I understand the level design, since I rushed that all the final day after making sure (I thought lol) I worked out all the bugs. 

Thanks in advance :)

Most of it seemed solely due to being rushed.  The fun part largely because it was really difficult to make any progress on the wall running,  Innovation was low because it was an obstacle course.  Use of theme seemed to just be normal game rules except the teleportation in mid air which was great.  Sound design was just not very fun to listen too.

don’t worry about the innovation.  This game jam helped me realize it’s not important and is being replaced with ambition this month.  Sound Design is less important and more to help even the playing field for those more into audio part of game making.  

All in all don’t worry about this game jam.  They’ll get more balanced the more we do them and once we have enough participants they’ll get to judge them instead of me!