Thanks! It should be. I didn't make any last minute changes there and tested the last build, but will test again just in case.
You can only shoot at an enemy if they already have a gun. If you hit an unarmed enemy you get an "evil point" and then they equip a weapon and start shooting back at you in self-defense and killing that enemy doesn't give you a "good point". You have to die in the first "purgatory" level. The enemies spawn at an increased rate and at an increased probability that they will turn into a bad guy, so eventually you get overwhelmed and die. If you let an enemy just kill you, you get an "evil point" as the game thinks you are committing suicide. If when you die your meter is green (50% or more toward good) then you get promoted up; otherwise, you get demoted to hell and have to battle your way through. There are three stages to the game with the first level being the middle proving ground.
I will say I added a lot of designer levers to the purgatory level and some stuff may be unbalanced. Just realized that "suicide" means letting an enemy hit you three times in a row which may be unfair if you survive a long time.