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Really fun. Would have liked some cross breeding of some of the cards and higher values than yellow in fusing and also not have to use every card beefore the fight.

There are cards higher value than yellow ! You have to find the right cards in some of the chests (hint : there are 3 precious geme stone one for each type of cards. Also something to be done with the rhum haha)

You can save one card in the fusion zone for next turn, but you will only be able to draw 4 cards. 

I have to think about letting the fight start with more card from a gameplay perspective, maybe I'll try it if I keep working on this game 

Glad you liked it !

I think if there are card higher than yellow, that wasn't well explained or was too well hidden. I got lots of gems but selling them seemed to be the thing to do and the Rhum seemed fairly pointless, I stopped picking it up. I found the boss fight basically impossible, The highest armour card I had was 80, the highest cannon was 100, but the boss had an armour of 200 and an attack of 150, so if I had enough attack to overcome the armour, I didn't have enough shield or healing to not get one-shot killed

I would just have better tutorial just hinting at what you could do with gems and rhum.

What I meant by not using all the cards before the fight is that you have a button off to the side you can use to attack while you still have 2-3 cards in your hand.