Thanks. Actually my other game is publicly available, just not here (and much worse because it is just a concept demo). I'm glad this isn't an awful game XD
Any way, I know I could beef up the writing, I just want to communicate the basic idea right now. To boot, this isn't even finished yet. The demo versions you can play right now are still missing things. I'm doing everything by myself with a lot of other things going on in my personal life so this is pretty much as good as it gets. It is true that SRPG Studio handles a lot of things for me, but a good chunk of this title is not stock. I put in a lot of effort to avoid the, "same-y" feel that this could easily fall victim to if you looked at other SRPG Studio games. It's also a relatively new engine with little support (outside of Japan, and even then), so a lot of this is me figuring stuff out as I go . This can lead to me being limited in what I can achieve.
I actually have some interesting combat ideas with unique locations, which I hope have some decent writing, for the rest of the game which is yet to be added but it kind of sounds like I already poisoned the well? I might just need to gut a bunch of stuff and soft restart? I really don't want to do that though.
I appreciate you pointing out the typos. Thought I caught them all yesterday when I did a sweep, I will fix that right now. Pretty sure when I was copy + pasting from my Word document back into the engine I just highlighted too far XD As for actually submitting on the contest page, I haven't forgotten because, like I said, I am not done yet. These demos are progress markers and people playing them help me spruce up the final product. You raise concerns about the writing quality, so that's something I should look at. Stuff like that.
Thanks for taking the time to comment and I'll do my best to improve things.