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Hi Sphere :)

Great demo of your game based on final fantasy 4 :)

Must have taken time to make the maps like the original.

Good characters and Johan taking the role of Rydia was unexpected ahah, I am guessing you made every characters the opposite gender?

Looking forward to your next update :)

Thanks Anwynn for the kind words! Glad to hear you enjoyed it! It did take a lot of time to make the maps close to the original without relying on any ripped graphics. I hope that it conveyed well. And yeah, I generally flipped the gender script for the FF4 characters to some extent, but this all ties into a huge subversion and twist that I hope nobody sees coming. 

I'm working pretty steadily on it on my days off, so I'm hoping to put up a huge update to the demo by the end of July or so with new story content, locations, etc. Thanks again for the feedback! :)