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(1 edit)

Thanks for your support, boys! :D

Today has been a little productive day, and working days will be probably the same.

I have continued with additional cosmetical adjustments, started to define the “intro” story, and wrote the first simple lines of the “parsing stuff”, just as a first contact.

I’ve noticed that for the sake of writing descriptions, the better approach for me would be to write them in Spanish, and then translate and adapt them, as will be quicker for changes in the composition, and my style (good or bad) will be more preserved, as my English style is a bit like “This is a chair”, “My taylor is rich”, “My name is Paul” ¬.¬

However, for the stuff of determine the commands and actions that are possible to take, I thing that working directly in English is the best workflow, as literal translation at that point is not the way to follow (obviously there’s not a 1:1 relation between Spanish and English words and idioms).

Today I also have my first beta tester offer, so I’m very happy. This step will not start yet, as there’s almost no content to test, but is a way to start structuring the following phases of the project.

Nothing else by the moment. I will keep you informed! :)