I had tuned the player's collision range in order to keep out of walking through walls. When I added the pills it actually didn't occur to me that I could just increase their collision ranges since them being practically static they don't have any issues with the walls...
As for the lamps (as you call them), there is a connection between each ghost and one of them. The particle effect when they're fully loaded actually shows this, but the effect is really very subtle and the colours of 3 of the ghosts are a bit too close to each other to really notice. I didn't have time to do more about it, but I totally intend to make it more clear (OTOH it was very deliberate to have the hints on the title page more vague and not directly giving away how all is connected internally ;) ).
There are several ideas I've got about making it more clear. One easier fix is to frame the counters in the different ghosts' colours (and I need to address some placement issues about them anyway). Another thing I was thinking about is adding colours to the collected pills to make it easier to remember which ghost you hit last (or add some colour to the player's "ghost form", or both).
One thing I've realized through the feedback is that I should probably limit the amount of pills one can carry at a time. Perhaps even depending on how many would still be needed for the currently active target. OTOH the fact that some of them still remain in their "activated" state shows that you've overshoot in collecting... When I was thinking about what kind of info I should give on the charging states of the targets I had 3 options in mind (none, which was what I already had, but difficult for the player to guess what's going on; exact numbers which I did because it was very simple to implement; or "rough estimate" like a horizontal bar filling up or a "battery charge" style of indicator (for example having 4 small lights and for 10 pills one of them lights up) which I totally ditched because I was running out of time). I'm considering to add that "estimate" type and give all 3 versions as some "difficulty setting" option to the player...
(Size of the pills' colliders might be another thing to tune with difficulty settings...)