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Looks good! Beat the first level but got really lost on the second.

One issue I had with the controls was that the wall jump felt like... like the physics material wasn't configured properly. It was very hard to jump up because the input didn't work, and it wasn't easy to jump away because there's no Coyote time? (look it up, a must for platformers)

Another issue is that attacking extends the character's hitbox so I kept taking damage from projectiles. So I ended up just avoiding enemies because it's safer.

What's worth noting is, the glow around objects looks nice, I hate it so much when people use overblown bloom on the wohole screen so this is a refresher! And background music is very good.

thanks so much!! ya the jumping is  a bit jank ill definitely be working on making it a lot better and il probably add some simpler levels early on the complexity definitely jumps abit as this was also like a mini version of a project I was thinking of working on with a more open world style platformer approach that's why the levels got a lot bigger out of know where