For a first game, I'm impressed! I noticed all the same bugs my first Unity2D game had in my first jam in yours, and it is totally understandable😅
In terms of camera movement, I'd probably suggest something that is closer centered to the player, but would stop moving if it reaches the edge of the map! When I entered the game, I noticed that I couldn't really see my surroundings unless I explore them!
I would also like to point out how your perspective and hitboxes work- when I first entered the dungeon, I noticed I couldn't really move my character against this stone pillar and this sign. It helps a lot to find a feel for how small the player's "collision" box should be, and having a separate hitbox for when enemies hurt the player!
In the end though, I really enjoyed the application of souls-like mechanics! The stamina and health bars felt responsive, and I like how you created a skeleton rig sprite animation separating the sword and arms to the main player sprite! It me feel like I had more control over the player!:)
For a first Unity2D game, I really like what you did here!:) Keep it up!