Thank you very much for taking the time to check the playthrough, and for all your interesting comments!
I saw your video, and I really appreciate all your tips and comments. I think I will be adding some lights on the platforms, as you suggested, and I may try something like the Far Cry lines you said, to help navigation :D. I should try ALS V2 as well, I haven't played with it yet.
I also like the idea of somehow closing the access to the platforms once electricity is restored. I don't want to collapse the platforms, but I could add some intense electricity in that hole in the wall, now that electricity is restored :D.
At the beginning, I did try to stop the physics of dead bodies after a few seconds, and turn it at least static, but I was getting some weird results at times, so I decided to let it as is for the game jam. I think I will have another go at it for a future update, as it would help with performance, as you say.
By the way, they are not audible in the video, but I do have footsteps :D. I got 8 different sounds that play at random, spawning at the position of the relevant foot.
Again, thank you very much for your video and all your feedback!