Our intention is to give developers feedback on their games. According to your post, I think we achieved that. I acknowledge that I maybe can interact more with the community and provide a bit more for the winners, however, I am doing this for free, and finding the time is a bit of a challenge. For the past few installments of the jam, I haven't been able to do ratings but the community has ensured that entries get rated. I am thankful for that. I did state that there is no prize for winning. The feedback from other devs is actually the most valuable thing you can get from this Jam. I do hope I can build a better experience for the participants in future jams however this is the best I can manage for now. Thanks for taking part. I'm sorry if we disappointed you.
Also, itch.io has a feature for you to email your game jam participants without actually having their email. So don't worry you won't get spammed and we don't do that anyway. I mostly only send emails before and after jam.
You can msg me on Discord if you have any more concerns. I'll be glad to have a chat.