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Its way too hard. The time window you get is very small compared to the tasks you have to complete and the candy, which is the only way to extend it, spawns very rarely if at all, I really cant tell since i havent found a single one nor have i completed the first set of tasks.
there is no audio, which makes it even harder since there is no feedback on finishing tasks, which is a really big deal since they can range from doing 1 thing 3 times to doing 3 things 1 time.
The maker of this game clearly had an idea and the screenshots show unlockable levels, but its not worth to grind something so hard for that.

This game would really benefit from slightly larger time-windows and audio feedback, as well as an improvement of the pick up mechanic, since it doesnt really work whenever you run.

This game is ok but i needed more playtesting, probably an outside opinion as well.

I like the idea of this game and i think it could be a nice, somewhat challenging game to hop on to if you feel like playing an indie platformer with some more development time.

I was gonna write the same thing.