Hmm. I think I've copied everything over from the old C drive to the new C drive, but it doesn't seem to be making a difference when I launch New Challengers or start a new run. I did play three playthroughs (Rhapsody, Domino, and Zapper, all excellent, by the way) BEFORE I decided to try to figure this out, could that be messing things up somehow? Or could it be that New Challengers is installed through the itch app, whereas back when I played Arcade Spirits classic I did it as a separate download and standalone install?
If it did work, what would I be seeing differently?
For the record, this is a minor thing if we can't get it working, I'm still having a great time. I'm just seeing some folks on tumblr mentioning moments with the tie ins to game one and now I'm belatedly curious about what those are like. ^^;