Really Enjoyed the Game Loved the Fact of the randomized Audio and events, It could use a few more events added in the future for more variety if you work on it any more. Environment Details were good And Lighting was purrfect (I had too. I could not resist)
I only got one of the endings though i did search around for the others, i Had Assumed they were hidden in the facility or had triggers to them but sadly that is clearly not the case, That said I would love for the next game in the series to have certain events avoided or triggered effecting the ending.
I Would also love to see a use to the lean mechanic you have in, such as if you peak into a room with it you sometimes will see something you wouldn't have if just walking in/around.
Oh also I almost forgot maybe add either a death or some type of damage indicator for when you jump on top of the sparking Machinery.
Edit FIxed a Typo