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My initial post for reference:

When I started out , my goal was to create a fun 2d platformer. I had no idea what it would require or what it would look like. I'm please to say that I am enjoying the process so far and the platforming so far does feel satisfying and theres enough room in the framwork to add movement options and improve the feel of the gameplay.

I started off with the basic Phaser 3 tutorial and improved my knowledge base so much. Things that I learned and things I didn't consider at first:

- I have exclusively been using open source graphics for everything in our game. Enemies, characters, particle sprite animations and I'm happy to share that there is no shortage of character sprite sheets to use for my game. I had no trouble finding a stand in for all my character sprites and animations. If I'm nitpicking. It is lacking in a certain aesthetic but that's always subjective.

- I have learned about using to publish my game

Some features I am proud of. 

- I am please with the story we are slowly generating and creating. 

- I added a skidding mechanic similar to nes mario games were your character skids to a stop if the player builds up enough momentum. If the player holds back against a skid and presses jump they do a cool backflip jump like in ario vs donkey kong on gameboy and mario 64. Does seem like much but took a lot of tinkering to get just right. 

- Our sound and music artist is putting together awesome sounds for the game which I'm really excited to incorporate. 

Have a look and keep in mind its a playtest level and it's still a lil buggy but you can get a sense of the movement and speed.

Having Gameoff everyone.