So I added one of the more important nodes to keep things interesting.
con rnd 5 in 10 essentially any combination works and can be defined to make a certain piece of code or script run by chance.
If you want to describe the lights flickering 1% of the times a room is visited.
´cmd p add ./Desc/Description.txt
´con rnd 1 in 100
´ cmd p add ./Desc/FlickeringLights.txt
Things are seldom this easy, I had to rewrite a central part handling how i process my scripts, now the validation was done each time a scene was loaded, and each time you tried to execute the command. So it had a 1 in 100 chance to be added to begin with, then 1 in 100 chance to execute if it was added.
Now validation is just done on scene reload, and that is done as soon as any state is changed in the scene. Essentially any action you do.