Hello, There are some issues with Performance. I have built a 16 Byte RAM (Actully 8 Byte since it's 4-Bit). After I turned the RAM into a Chip, The project started taking way longer to load and the project lags when I grab it from the Chips in the Bottom. It lags because It's simulating 16 Registers and an Address Decoder. The 4-Bit Register had 4 1-Bit Registers Simulating inside it and the 4-Bit Address Decoder is simulating 16 4-Input AND Gate which is simulating 3 AND Gates. The 1-Bit Registers are Simulating 2 D Flip-Flops which is Simulating 1 D Latch which is Simulating 1 SR Latch and so on. You can see how performance expensive it is. I have a RTX 3080, Intel Core I7-10700 and 32 GBS of RAM so it isn't very hard for my computer to run but it will be very hard for a low-end computer. I think instead of Simulating basically an Entire Project, You could try instead use a different approach that will be more performance friendly. If this performance issue isn't fixed, then It might just become near impossible to make a entire computer or CPU in this Simulator because of very low performance. A single clock cycle might just take a few seconds or even a few minutes. It takes around 3 to 5 Clock Cycles to execute one Assembly Instruction. so, You can imagine how tedious it will be to run anything large.