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(1 edit) (+1)

Nice work -- this was a fun game and I enjoyed the aesthetics.  The low poly fires and flickering lighting were really nice, and together with the excellent police car sounds made for a great atmosphere.  I also really liked the animations (picking things up, limping, crouching).  I liked the emphasis on stealth, too, which gave the game (and use of the map) more of a puzzle feel, and added to the feeling of suspense.  The map itself was also well designed and reliable, and the game thumbnail is nicely designed.

In further development, I would make sure the gun reliably registers hits in close combat -- at times I unloaded a full gun point-blank on the alien, and most of the shots seemed not to land (no red animation).  A second suggestion might be to allow the player so slide along vertical surfaces a bit more easily.  When I moved along a curb, e.g., it would stick and I had to back up or side-step to proceed.  A minor thing, but it might improve the flow of gameplay.

I made it through to Chapter 3 and had fun playing it -- nice job!

Thanks for playing and for the valuable feedback!

I came back and after several more tries, I BEAT IT :).