Haven't had the chance to update as the weekend (and the last few days) was super hectic. I did get some art updated and some more maps completed. I completed the main dialogue for the story line quest, only need to add it into the game at the appropriate parts.
Decided not to use a world map for this, instead going for a Secret of Mana kind of world with just travelling. Hoping to have a Home Teleport added in but that is an addon if I have time at the end of the necessary stuff (technically, there isn't much travelling between areas right now anyway). If I have time, I also intend to add in corrupted/flooded versions of a few maps. That would be far more aesthetically pleasing but isn't 100% necessary.
I've also decided to add in at least one other villager in Kelos itself with the possibility of additional characters just to spruce up the amount of people there. As right now it's just the absolutely necessary people and that doesn't feel quite right.
That being said, I'm pretty happy with where I'm at. A lot done and still a bit to do but it's been quite the productive month.
Definite To do list:
- Accades Village Map
- River Heart Map
- River Source Map
- Cliff Map
- Update Quests
- Additional Kelos Villager
- Clean up logo
To do list if I have time:
- Corrupted/Flooded Maps
- Extra Villagers
- Miras Village [Chapter 2 area]
- River Tower [Chapter 2 area]
- Additional Side Quests
- Home Teleport [Via Item?]
- Dialogue Tweaking (width/height, grammar, spellchecking)
- Better window skin
- Pretty up the UI