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(3 edits)

So on a personal side. I am trying to get into balance with my ADHD medication with support of the doctor and nurse at the clinic. To figure out that my dose is right it has been lowered, and I am now back in the position where I know what I should do but am mentally unable to do it. It's really frustrating.
I will contact them on monday, talking about the effect and if I should return to the old dose. 
So progress has not gone as far as I wanted. In theory, I am roughly done with four rooms, but I don't have much in the way of puzzles, and I am still not really sure where I am heading at the moment. 

I feel like I should have stayed with my orginal idea "The Addventure" (ADD being the "used in talk" non hyper version of ADHD, in actually called ADHD:Primarly Unfocused)

The idea for that one was simply about trying to find the way to do the things you need to do in everyday situations, but being unable to do them simply because there is no text prompt to do them, untill you can find a game world interaction by looking and doing stuff that catch your attention back to the thing so it come back into focus. 

It would have been a really real and personal game, but I feelt it would just be to frustrating to people without these difficulties that it would not be funny to play, get poorly rated, get complaints about being illogical, and in reality it shouldn't be funny, it should just be super frustrating and just make you angry that you can't do something as simple as "cook egg" even if you are in the kitchen and you managed to put the eggs on the table, but for some reason you are now only able to sort trough some  old magazines, and cleaning the dishwasher. Before a 2 your youtube binge with out even reflecting on the eggs
