>What was the most frustrating moment or aspect?
I found the difference between the purple shapes and the sectioned/outlined shapes occasionally difficult to grok at a glance, especially as they seem to be a slightly darker color than the other 2 shape types. A brighter 3rd color for the sectioned shapes would be appreciated.
>What was your favorite moment or aspect?
I like the attempted differentiation between shapes and colors, and the removal of the walls from the prototype version.
>Was there anything you wanted to do, but couldn't?
I wanted to be able to finish a section or full game, but especially with the timer going I simply couldn't plan ahead fast enough to avoid dead-ends. My highscore was 68230.
>If you could change, add, or remove any 1 thing, what would it be?
Assuming the game isn't already broken into sections (I didn't get very far), I'd break the game down into sections to help with a sense of progress and allow for easier difficulty scaling.