Y'all remember that old ass Triple trouble I made, the original ctp trouble thing?
Well I remade it bc I wanted it to look cooler.
Coolguy is Tails
Borb is Knuckles
Meri is Eggman
Oblivion is Xenophanes
Radical is BF in this mod.
Radical During the eggman part and the finale xenophanes encounter
Aetrul is Lord-X... This is Lord-Aetrul
Ello is Majin Sonic... This is MajinLLO
Sains is Tails Doll... This is Possessed Sains.
Fleetguy is Fleetway Sonic... Fleetguy...
Eidk is Sunky... This is Edik...
Radical during the MILK song.
In Too Fest, Instead of Radical being the player character... You play as kevin.
Cheese would be Sanic and Kevin would be BF, there are no name changes. Each of Kevin's poses would reference a different meme. (making the illuminati eye was extremely hard.)