I'm on v0.3.1 and using the latest version of fl studio. I had to turn on fixed buffer to help prevent clicks though pitching down still breaks up.
The lfos and macros will not stick to their destinations. I can add the modulation, though the control does not animate as no modulation is being applied. If I click away from the selected modulator the modulation indicators disappear. Even just mousing over the modulator button will remove the destinations. Oddly modulations from presets or randomly generated do work.
If I double click any control fl studio crashes. Here's the log:
FL Studio ( [64Bit] r27090 has encountered an error and needs to restart.
Crash log saved to D:\Users\PC\Documents\Image-Line\FL Studio\Support\Logs\Crash\ folder.
Please use Ctrl+C to copy this message and report to support.
Access violation at address 00007FFC2B1D33A8 in module 'Emergence.vst3'. Read of address 0000000000000F80
00007FFC2AF50000:00007FFC2B1D33A8: Emergence.vst3
00007FFC2AF50000:00007FFC2B113C50: Emergence.vst3
00007FFC2AF50000:00007FFC2B08F2E8: Emergence.vst3
00007FFC2AF50000:00007FFC2B15323A: Emergence.vst3
00007FFC2AF50000:00007FFC2B13B678: Emergence.vst3
00007FFC2AF50000:00007FFC2B087ADE: Emergence.vst3
00007FFC2AF50000:00007FFC2B0D28F1: Emergence.vst3
00007FFC2AF50000:00007FFC2B12F712: Emergence.vst3
00007FFC2AF50000:00007FFC2B12F9FA: Emergence.vst3
00007FFC2AF50000:00007FFC2B14DF17: Emergence.vst3
00007FFC2AF50000:00007FFC2B15A0A9: Emergence.vst3
00007FFC79590000:00007FFC7959E858: USER32.dll
00007FFC79590000:00007FFC7959E299: USER32.dll
0000000003490000:00000000039A342A: FLEngine_x64.dll
0000000003490000:00000000039A3498: FLEngine_x64.dll
0000000003490000:00000000039A396A: FLEngine_x64.dll
0000000003490000:000000000413BEA4: FLEngine_x64.dll
00007FF6124E0000:00007FF6124E3A66: FL64.exe
00007FF6124E0000:00007FF6124E3DEB: FL64.exe
00007FF6124E0000:00007FF6124E50C6: FL64.exe
00007FFC7A090000:00007FFC7A0A7034: KERNEL32.DLL
00007FFC7AF50000:00007FFC7AFA2651: ntdll.dll