Thanks a lot for the kind words. All the points / ideas you had had are really great and I'm going to implement all of them as soon as I find the time for it. (Oh god I have to do button remapping again - whoooohoo) Also might add controller support while I'm at it. (Just "might" because I have no idea how I would do that currently.)
About the bandcamp thing I'm not so sure because I don't use it. Maybe I will look into it eventually but at the moment you can download the soundtrack here on itch in the downloads. I also put a CC license on it so anyone can use it in their projects, commercially or not.
Oh and I already did play your game and left a long-ish comment over there. I really liked it.
I very much appreciate the feedback you gave and the time you spent on the game. Makes me feel great about my work - thanks for that.