Great game! I enjoyed the overall design and vibe. The general gameplay was a lot of fun too... although I got stuck at an impasse fairly early.
A couple points of feedback:
- I was only able to get the main menu to work by pressing ALT+TAB. And I read here that just TAB works too, but the red flashing doesn't work properly just pressing TAB only.
- The jumping felt over-tuned. I got used to it after a while, but the platforming was made more difficult because there wasn't a way to make shorter, more precise jumps.
- I tried both keyboard and pad controls — the former felt very cramped up while the latter was great!
- Some buttons didn't seem to work? When I got to the clock, I tried both the buttons prompted (and just spammed attack, jump, etc) but I wasn't able to save.
- Maybe intentional... but can that spider cluster thing even die? I was attacking it for what seemed like minutes before moving on. Every area was blocked off by them though.
All in all, a very enjoyable game. The damage text and hearts gave me a dopamine kick.