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I cannot believe you were able to make this game in just 24 hours that's so amazing! The story and the art are amazing though the music can get a little too repetitive and the speed of the text was a bit too slow for me but overall I love it. Also! Spoilers below for the ending of the game!!!

I guess I gotta say that I do kind of agree that the MC seemed too passive and due to that passiveness it lead to her girlfriend doubting her love and eventually paving way to her not reaching out to the MC when they had to be separated. Especially when she probably just wanted MC to reach out instead of her doing it just to show the love she wanted to see from MC. 

I can understand if the MC was shy but she has to understand her girlfried relies on words of affection or confirmation especially when both of them are girls and are facing a lot of hardships due to their relationship, so it can be even scarier for the girlfriend since it looks like she's leading the relationship. And when MC finally reaches out to her ex-girlfriend it's too late because the ex-girlfriend must have thought MC moved on and couldn't hold on to such a painful past. 

I just feel so frustrated towards MC and sad because it's not fair to anyone, especially her girlfriend, to be the anchor in this relationship and not be there to be the chain to tether the anchor. It felt so one-sided and while I could sympathize with MC's pain, in the end I couldn't help but shake my head towards her actions. 

Yes, circumstances tore them apart but in the end the seeds of doubt and pain had slowly been sowed the more MC became passive and quiet causing the girlfriend to doubt so much. In my definition of a relationship it should be a joint effort between the two because both of you are holding each other's heart and it's delicate yet heavy as hell.

Lovely game, seriously wonderful and it hurt me at the very end, but in the end I felt so much pity towards the girlfriend and hoping both she and MC can move on with their life and change for the better.

Thank you for writing such a lengthy review, it was a joy to read! I'm happy that my game resonated with you, thank you for playing ^^