Some suggestions:
Switch to, or add an option to use, a "unit suffix" system: K = thousand, M = million, T = trillion, etc. Maybe an option to display "SCI" notation ( 1.1 E +2, for example) and/or "ENG" notation (same as SCI, except the multiplier is always a multiple of 3: 3, 6, 9, ...) Many games, and many people, understand these numbering systems already, and will not have to give it much effort to do conversions in their heads.
Make meteor strikes random. The _timer_ that schedules one can run every two minutes, but all it would do is _schedule_ a strike at some random time in the _next_ two minutes. This also opens up an option to research/upgrade "Meteor Strike Detection", which could issue a warning about a pending strike. Every level of upgrade could improve the _accuracy_ and _timing_ of the warnings: At level 1, it might display "Meteor Strike estimated in the next 60 seconds!", while at level 10, it might display "Meteor strike estimated in the next 10 seconds!" This also gives the player a moment to sort themselves out with all he clutter on screen. I often miss the chance to click a meteor because I have a hard time sorting out where my mouse pointer is vs all the clutter, and even _seeing_ the meteor when it does appear on screen.
Re-balance the costs. The costs to upgrade the per-click gains quickly outpaces the automatic-per-second gains. Thus, improving per-click gains, and incentive to click, becomes cost-prohibitive very quickly. You might also add an upgrade to increase the per-click bonus. At base level. each mountain gains +1 per click. At boost level 1, it is 1.1 per-click. At level 2, it is 1.21 per-click. An so on (using a scaling factor of 1.1).
As it is currently, it took me about five to ten minutes to reach a point where the cost of improving per-click is too high, _AND_ the incentive to click at all is gone. The automatic gains cost too much to improve in relation. Thus, all I can do is watch the screen and wait. But the reality is, I will not do that. I will go play something else.
And since I have only invested ten to fifteen minutes of my time and effort in to this game, the chances that I will even _remember_ to come back and check on it in an hour, two hours, a day, etc, is very low. It does not even strike me as a "time killer" type game to play "ten minutes while waiting for dinner to be ready."