I recommend Mofu considering a solution for Android users - let people do fan ports unofficially, without interrupting to the apk development himself. That will do for now, due to the following reasons:
1. Fan-made ports for androids WILL ALWAYS be on various sites, no matter if the dev allowed that or not; they will find a way.
2. Android users are well familiar with emulators, they have a ton of emulators to play PC games. That'll make them happy for sure.
3. In a far-far future, near the game release/finishing phase, you can always make an agreement with one of the fan-port devs to post a game officially, you can check their product and allow them to post that on your behalf (like you allow translators to translate your game - why not allow some fans to make android ports and then they will send a version for Mofu to check? That seems rational to me).
Anyway, there is a plefora of solutions, from ignoring up to finding a fan to port that game on Android, without Mofu wasting his time, attention and nerves on the port. Please consider one of the steps above. Thank you