Which problems you have with Key chip?
The Screen consists of 2 Main Components.
1. Pixel Index,
2. Color
The pixel index is can be changed using the Address Pins. The Address is represented in Binary. So, For example, If we want to change the pixel in the top left which is the first pixel we can leave all the address pins empty which sets the address/pixel index to 0 in binary.
After we select the Address of your Choice. We have to choose a color. Unfortunately, There is only 8 available Colors. There are 3 Color pins - Red, Green Blue. We can combine these colors to create another color such as pink, yellow, cyan etc. After we select the color of our choice, We can Update or Change the Pixel we chose to the color we selected by pulsing or bringing the Store Pin High. The store pin isn't edge triggered so can keep it high and actively change pixels.