yeah, tried shearing it when the old man says ZZZZZ, no go. tried lo lure the sheep farther with the acorns, no go. tried to make him go see Iulia, the same, giving him herbs, wine, whatever... sometimes, what seems to be very logical to the game developer, lacks the same logic for other people
here's the thing: having a flow-down inventory and making quick moves is never ideal, especially if using a trackpad on a laptop. Having a visible inventory reduces frustration and provides for a much better gaming experience. Also, autosave is essential in a game this size, with so much dialog.
Like I said already, the game froze, won't restart, and I saved a while back anyway, so not going to finish. Sadly, because I really liked the graphics.
I know you already gave up, but just to clarify: quick moves are not necessary for this puzzle (or any puzzle in our game). I think I hadn't expressed myself well. It is just about doing things in the right order.
Although we understand your frustration (especially with the game freezing), please bear in mind that this is a jam game, developed from scratch within 14 days. Needless to say, it is not perfect.
I get it, but a disappearing inventory is a pain in the butt anyway. Plus, don't forget, some people have limited mobility. I replayed your amusement park game and it nearly drove me insane. Every time I put my cursor at the bottom of the screen, my dock comes up, and the inventory is not accessible. You can easily put it in a locked position on the right or left of the screen without compromising the viewing area. It just sucks when a good game is difficult to play physically...