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(3 edits) (+1)

i kinda like this idea, like turn off the game over screen in the gallery so its easyer to keep browsing it without being reliant on just clicking the game over scene button, and the outfit seems to regen constantly, i sucessfully did a nude playthrough, didnt even have trouble in the jungle level in the water, will we be able to come back and save the lost and traped adventurers later in that region? seem callous just to say "oh well" and leave them, wont they eventually die from something like that? the body can only take so much stress like that, and the pods, did the occupants get digested or something? and why cant we cut them open like rinnal? it just seems odd, so many people stuck and nothing we can do, the open pods, did they kill and digest before opening? or are they walking around somewhere in some shambleing state? if so, where are they? and will there be group fighting? like multiple teammates to order different attacks from and multiple foes at once too? and can we have any news on the possibilty of cursed clothing? and new monsters too, i prefere them rather than actual m/m scenes, i enjoy the story alot, i just like the monsters more is all, just give us a heads up when the update is getting near, i believe its possible to enjoy this game and be straight too, this game has plenty of potential, i would like to see it grow, odly enough its actually hard to find straight lizard games, i prefere them to furs.

 dragons and other lizards have always looked cool and facinating, thats all, not here to offend, just co-existing with my own preferences as a straight guy, life sure feels backwards these days...


I'm glad that you're invested in the story of our game and have all these questions, but this isn't quite the place for a full-fledged discussion about all these topics, most of which are just speculation about the future and would be spoilers.

When we have a date in mind for release, we'll let people know via our various social media accounts. Please just be patient, OK? 

thank you for the reply, i look foward to your content