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First off, I love the art in it, I think it's great! The music is pretty fitting too, although the loop is a little short, but that's alright!

Just a couple of things. To start with, there were a lot of points where I would be near a tree, but definitely not touching it, and it would prevent me from moving, maybe the collision box is too big or something. The perspective is isometric, but the movement is not. As a result, I have to zig zag in order to walk parallel to a wall, for example. Not a big deal, just a little odd. Might be a glitch because I'm on an ultrawide monitor, but the "subscribers killed" counter was in the middle of Player 2's health bar for me, which wasn't a big deal, but something I thought might be worth mentioning. 

 I couldn't figure out what to do/where to go to be honest, I felt like I explored the map but I couldn't find anything except a rock with a black square around it. There was no way to interact with it that I could figure out, so I couldn't tell if it was a glitch or if I was missing something. I'm going to assume that I was just not seeing something or missing something. The tip it gave me when I died is "don't be a fool!" So I'm guessing that's related to dying via zombie, but I'm not sure. 

I like the interpretation of the theme quite a bit! Allowed some freedom with the gameplay while also giving the game a motivation and story. 

Overall, I think this was a great game! 


Thank you so much for the kind words and the detailed feedback! :) There is a riddle going on here, I'm interested if somebody realizes the answer eventually or not haha!