really needs music and more sound effects as well as a completed level screen
Absolutely agree with you about music. Now we are looking for composer.
What about sound effects, I thought that they are quite good now and I did not plan to add something else, perhaps more sounds for the UI.
What do you advise to add to sound effects?
Completed level screen is really bad now. For webGL version I think to improve by current graphic. For PC version we will redraw this screen.
Oh yeah cool, I hope you find a great composer for this game! sound effects sound good also what do you mean the Completed level screen is really bad now and redrawing the screen? also can you make the game rescale to full window size? I have added your game to my gaming application called Gamer World (new UI is coming soon) so you will see your game on the new UI when released :D
It's a gaming application for awesome web games like yours and will be similar to steam but a mix of, game jolt but better as games on the application perform much better and best of all it's a open source platform for all operating systems.
I mean that completed level window in our game isn't good and we will work on it. It's not the final version.
I'm not sure I can do full window size now.
This will entail a change in aspect, the result will be cropped sprites in the game.
It will also affect the image quality or the performance of the game. We can only do this closer to the release on the PC.
It requires tests and tweaks and now we need to finish the webGL version of game.
Will be following your portal.
Ahh I see. I hope we can work together, Gamer world gives web devs a instant way to give gamers there games without the dev needing to download or compile new versions since it's web based on a multi-platform gaming application and it also comes with a news section for game news so if you have any news updates please let me know. :)