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(2 edits)

Wow... I gotta say, I was iffy about purchasing this game at first. I debated over it for some time especially because of the way the game is marketed. I am bisexual, which means I have just as much interest in men as women. Unfortunately, straight romance options are... unpopular within the VN world. Though everyone seems to be constantly screaming for more "inclusion", I struggle to find something decent that isn't forcibly Yaoi or Yuri. If you ARE like me and put off by the game being labelled the way it is, don't be. I would argue that the game isn't "queer"-centric. It's beautifully fluid and natural. It doesn't feel forced at all, unlike many more offensively tropey VN's, and genuinely feels as though everyone is just attracted to what they are attracted to. Again, natural. It really does feel inclusive to EVERYONE. Also, Piper is best girl. Best female romance option ever. Right up there with Alwenn from Oathbreaker. In the end, I HAD to buy it once I saw Gideon Emery's name there under the voice cast... and woof! So worth it. I've been in love with his voice since Fenris from DA2. I have no idea what kind of magic you worked to get such an awesome voice acting cast, but I am GRATEFUL. Thank you. Also, the story was legitimately interesting. The romance was great. AND I have fallen in love with the world in which this game takes place. 10/10 would absolutely purchase it again. And in case I didn't make it clear about my love for Emery's voice, I definitely favored Finn's route.