I love the game design in this game and here's why
- The difficulty basically adjust themselves naturally with the clones mechanic.
- At first, it would seem like standing still would be the best strategy, but with the introduction of bullets and powerups, the player would still need to constantly move.
- The game is simple to understand, each action and foe are instantly recognizable, and you always know what they're going to do.
Now for somethings I think you can improve upon.
- With the game length, I think dying is too punishing right now, at least for me. True, it is hard to lose in this game, but it doesn't balance the punishing aspect of it. To solve this, maybe if a clone number "X" dies, only clone number "X + 1" and above dies too, and you start at the "X - 1" checkpoint. Does that make sense? Basically if a clone dies, only the clones that come after it dies, since it's a time travel game. It would make the game more interesting, but that might ruin the difficulty design you're going for, so just take it as a suggestion and do what you will.
- The visual feedback from destroying enemies aren't satisfying enough. It felt like you weren't hitting them hard enough for it to feel "oomphy".
Overall, I think this is a really great game. I really had fun playing this, and all the criticisms I had were really just minor nitpicks.