Back again with the last gameplay related update version!
The text style used both on the website and in game are a great choice.
AI speed is vastly improved, causing less room for error, and more room for panic running
Shadowing is 10/10, somehow darker in smaller hallways, or at least seems that way
Character speed is good. running doesn't seem so overpowered
Strong opening cutscene
The small noises throughout the house is great atmosphere.
Adding a stamina bar would be good, as the character is a small child.
Lose the arrow in the room with the G O A T code for the 2nd keypad; there's no reason it logically should be there.( Maybe even put the key code combinations in 2 different rooms. )
there are a few specific times a good Mommy's Laugh would mess the player right up, mental wise.
The strong manly UGHAH at the start though....keep that for sure.