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I will have to check how I get play area size. What you said means that I get it using min and max of Guardian Boundary corners which makes it bigger than it should.

1. Sliding is easy.

2. That would be doubling what there already is for both Oculus and SteamVR.

3. This one is interesting. To display boundary, play area that is read from settings and play area calibrated by the player. Slider from point 1 could be here as one of the tools. I added that to my list.

I am thinking about at least two endless modes. One would be purely endless, to explore and travel through the world. But still it would be possible to end it (that's related to the story and I don't want to get too much into details right now). The second one would either force player to move towards the end (think of FTL where it pushes you to the last level) but you can just make it longer if you want. Or as you said, to push the difficulty level.

The settings for sci-fi, medieval etc. would kill me ;) I like the idea but I won't be able to handle it. Not yet. What I'd like to do is to focus on this game, create few other ones that happen in different settings and then work on a Inception-like game reusing stuff from other games - then I could use all that settings.

I have localisation system in place and I will be grateful for your help with translation :)  but that should come when there will be more game in this game :) Thanks :)

As I said, the dungeon setting was just an idea for the distant future.

You can´t handle loot properly? Thats too bad!  It would be great if you had a real task in the game. Find keys and stuff. For example,  this ancient game i played a loooong time ago:

I meant that it's not yet implemented as it was not required for POC but loot handling will be added as it should help a lot with balancing :)