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(1 edit)

UPDATE! Go check the changelog and grab a copy of your new (An much better named) MAD mod! Oh also, this:

New Races (yup, that's right)

  • Name
  • Bodyshape. If it shares the type with one of the existing races, I'll just default to that one.
  • Description.
  • Racial Traits. This must be simple, I AM SORRY, I can't do complex traits... YET, I'll get back to you on that.
  • Price mod. The rarer, the pricier. You can put anything ranging from 0.1 to well... let's say 3 for now, that's ludicrous BTW. Oh, also, numbers below 1 are for races that are so common they lack value. Yup, negative mods AHOY! (I will check this and adjust considering game balance, so don't go too crazy, seriously)
  • Where can you find it?
    • Starting Race?
    • Wimborn Region?
    • Gorn Region?
    • Frostford Region?
    • Can they be bandits?
  • Uncivillized trait. Yes or no.
  • Inventory Shade. Must be a PNG RGB 8-bits 375X480 sized picture. One for males and one for females. Or only one if you manage to make them unisex. Make them SHADES, they have no characteristics in other words, you can see how I did it, or you can try and replicate the way Maverik did it... your call.
  • Eye color, ear shape, body shape, height, hair color... descriptions in general, the more, the worse it is for me to input into the database the merrier.
  • Max stat potentials. Balance guys, BALANCE, don't try to sneak in a 10/10/10/10 >.> I'm watching you.

so a 10/10/10/9 would be fine then? xP